Twenty One dental clinic dentist New Church Road Brighton Hove

Our commitment to you

At TwentyOneDental, our clinicians pride themselves in providing outstanding patient care and are wholly committed to high quality treatment.

This is why TwentyOneDentalThis is why TwentyOneDental support with confidence “our commitment to you” statement by providing a guarantee* of 12 months in the unlikely event any treatment should fail (on a technical basis) and which is considered necessary to be followed up. Treatment which meets “our commitment to you” criteria will be covered financially. This includes Invisalign/Six Month Smiles components (specific to fixed retainers only). Following an examination, if it is found that exclusions apply then our usual clinician’s fees will be payable by you.

Dental Guarantees – what is and is not included

1. TwentyOneDental and the dental technicians with whom we work offer a voluntary guarantee on our work against technical failure for 12 months.
2. Guarantees will not commence until the End of Treatment has fully completed.
3. “Technical failure” will be diagnosed and photographically documented by the dental surgeon and the information shared with the dental technician responsible for any laboratory work fitted. It will cover the following:
(a)Significant breakage of definitive restorations, (but not core restorations prescribed for overlaying or crowning).
(b)Significant breakage of definitively fitted or cemented laboratory work (apart from the acrylic or composite resin veneering on metal framework implant bridges or attachment or retention components in removable dentures which will require periodic servicing as teeth or attachment or retention elements wear).
(c)Breakage of implantable medical devices such as dental implants or manufactured components.
The guarantee does not cover:
(d)Minor wear, chipping or cracking of laboratory work from normal usage where the core material or tooth has not been visibly exposed and where functionality and aesthetics has not been significantly affected.
(e)Temporary emergency care items such as temporary fillings, temporary repair of breakages or treatment to alleviate an emergency or re-cementation or repair of previous work not carried out at TwentyOneDental.
(f)Integrity of provisional restorations if definitive replacement is delayed by more than 1 calendar month beyond that advised or planned.
(g)Where a guarantee has not been given in the treatment planning letter for a specific reason or for a specific item or items of treatment.
(h)Where there has been a lack of proper cleaning and home care, failure to follow clinical instructions including but not limited to failure to wear a prescribed nightguard, lapse in attending recommended examination and hygienist programme appointments, breakage due to trauma, inappropriate use or suspected deliberate damage, delay in the provision of definitive protective restorations beyond a period of 1 calendar month from when recommended, new decay, gum recession due to natural changes exposing edges of crowns or implants, periodontal (gum) infection or sudden tooth or root fracture under an intact restoration.
(i)Subjective unacceptability from the viewpoint of the patient or third party including their partner or spouse if work is technically correct, and the patient has accepted cementation or fitting at the time of the fit appointment.
4. Biological failure: Many biological failures are beyond the control of the dental surgeon and can be related to the medical and genetic profile of individual patients, for example those patients susceptible to destructive gum disease. However, TwentyOneDental also covers the following biological failures on the condition that any medical tests required to diagnose the causes of possible failure are carried out when recommended:
(a)Complete failure of bone grafts or soft tissue grafts or dental implants in non-smokers, patients not taking bisphosphonate or other bone metabolism-influencing medication and not having any disease process influencing bone or soft tissue healing including but not limited to diabetes types I and II, high LDL cholesterol and low vitamin D levels. We may require patients to have blood tests via their GP if we suspect a systemic medical cause to any failures. These costs are not covered by TwentyOneDental. We may request appropriate blood tests prior to any elective treatment if you have a history of biologic failure of previous treatments.
(b)Failure of root canal treatment by persistent infection but not including breakage or root fracture under a crown or due to a delay in protective crowning or onlaying for protection when recommended.
5. Work is guaranteed and will be repaired or replaced free of charge, or fee paid for failed work will be deducted from future work whichever is applicable on the condition that the treatment deemed to have failed can be seen and documented at TwentyOneDental. Refunds will not be made.
6. All implants offered by us benefit from a manufacturers guarantee on the implants. If the 12 month period has ended and a problem develops that results in the removal or loss of an implant, a surgical fee will be charged for a new implant to be placed, however, the implant itself will be free. The healing screw, abutment and crown will also need to be paid for as these cannot be used again with a new implant.
7. The guarantee of implants is only valid if TwentyOneDental has completed the full treatment (implant surgery and fitting the crowns and/or bridges) within the time specified in the treatment plan.

TwentyOneDental Facial Aesthetics maintenance plans

1. All patients attending TwentyOneDental for a course of treatment for facial aesthetics will receive a customised maintenance plan to maintain the result where treatment has a finite expectation of effective duration. This is normally payable in advance at the end of treatment and scheduled in accordance with the advice of your clinician. This does not cover additional treatments which would be estimated for separately upon request.

Interpretation of Terms and Conditions

1. Final interpretation of these terms and conditions rests with the Clinical Director of TwentyOneDental. Any areas of dispute may be referred for independent arbitration with the professional indemnity society of the clinician concerned.
2. Details of the clinician’s professional indemnity society can be requested from the Operations Manager.

Condition of guarantees

1. The guarantees set by TwentyOneDental are conditional on completion documentation at your end of treatment review final appointment where baseline records will be taken and your clinician will sign off on your healthy dental status to their satisfaction.
2. They are also dependent on you attending regular clinical dental and hygiene/therapy examinations at TwentyOneDental per calendar year as specifically recommended to you in correspondence or by your dental surgeon’s or hygienist/therapist’s advice during review or examination appointments which will be documented in your records.
3. TwentyOneDental is not responsible for the quality of dental and hygiene services provided by other practices and any clinical consequences arising as a result of third party services.
4. Inadequate or infrequent hygienist care or regular examinations negate your guarantee.
5. Regular annual examination and hygiene services are provided by recall at TwentyOneDental in addition to any regular dental care from your own dental surgeon and/or hygienist and documented at TwentyOneDental to maintain this guarantee unless alternative hygienist services can demonstrate documented care to the same standard.
6. Your dental records include regular recordings of plaque, bleeding, pocketing and recession scores and additional photographs and radiographs as appropriate and as prescribed by TwentyOneDental.
7. TwentyOneDental guarantees will no longer apply after the patient has left TwentyOneDental and transferred to another practice or clinician from their date of notification of moving where treatment has been undertaken by any clinician other than ourselves.
8. Guarantees will also be invalid where another person has carried out treatment on the tooth and/or area in question including but not limited to, any problem identified and recommended by us at the time of treatment but was not taken up, treatment was undertaken as a temporary measure, it is deemed unsuitable to provide an exact replacement, the issue developed as a result of trauma, where any fees are owed to the clinic, where any additional treatment was advised prior to treatment taking place and was not taken up by the patient (for example, bone grafting prior to implant treatment being performed).

We look forward to welcoming you into our friendly clinic
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We are situated to the West of Hove Museum (on the corner of New Church Road and Pembroke Gardens) TwentyOneDental, A Digitally Advanced Dental, Implant & Specialist Referral Centre, 21 New Church Road Brighton & Hove BN3 4AD.


01273 202 102





Opening Hours

8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
By appointment only
Please note: We are open to patients arriving from 8am but our telephone lines are not open until 8.15am