Twenty One dental clinic dentist New Church Road Brighton Hove

How Will a Dentist Repair a Damaged Tooth?

How Will a Dentist Repair a Damaged Tooth?

Posted by: Dr Adyl Asani Posted 25/02/2021

Teeth can sometimes become chipped or cracked due to trauma or simple wear-and-tear. Although this is not a pleasant situation, your dentist will offer up a number of solutions. Each of these are intended to address the issue at hand while restoring your smile to its former glory. Here are three common techniques to consider:…

How Does A Brighter Smile Improve Your Social Relationships?

Posted by: Eamon Dehdashti Posted 18/02/2021

Stained teeth can have adverse effects on our health and social life. Having your teeth professionally whitened by your dentist removes the plaque and improves your social interactions. Here is the proof: – Whiter teeth will make you look healthier. This will attract people and widen your social circle. – A bright smile will boost…

Making Dentistry Fun For Children

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 09/02/2021

Making dental hygiene fun can encourage children to brush and floss regularly. Alongside regular trips to the dentist, this can help make sure their teeth develop properly. Key takeaways: – Using play, you can practice visits to the dentist with children, encouraging good oral care habits. – Interactive apps can be used to engage children…

Why Have Your Gums Started to Bleed?

Posted by: Dr Adyl Asani Posted 04/02/2021

Do your gums bleed on occasion such as immediately after you brush your teeth? If so, this could be an early sign of gum disease and you should see your dentist. Let’s look at three key takeaway points to keep in mind. Gum disease is a sign of a bacterial infection which can travel through…

The Different Types of Dental Implants

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 28/01/2021

Dental implants are intended to replace one or more missing teeth. Your dentist may have two options in choosing materials for the implants. The two most common substances are titanium and zirconia. Let’s take a quick look at some of the main qualities of each in order to appreciate your options: – Titanium is extremely…

What You Should Know About Root Canal Treatment

Posted by: Dr Adyl Asani Posted 22/01/2021

During a root canal procedure, a dentist removes the infected pulp of a tooth. Doing this restores the tooth’s health and prevents further complications. This also prevents removal of a diseased tooth. So when does a patient receive this procedure? A root canal is performed to treat a tooth with severe decay and infection. Root…

How to Reduce your Teeth-Grinding Habits

Posted by: Dr Adyl Asani Posted 14/01/2021

Many people grind their teeth – often at night. Teeth-grinding causes serious damage to teeth so it’s important to reduce this habit. Top tips: – Reduce stress by learning to identify triggers; lowering stress can reduce teeth-grinding. – Try gentle jaw-stretching exercises to reduce any jaw tension. – Massage can also reduce stress and tension….

Why do I have Sensitive Teeth?

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 07/01/2021

Having sensitive teeth means that eating hot or cold items, even spicy and sweet substances, can cause pain. Worn or damaged tooth enamel is usually the reason. Key takeaways: – Schedule regular checkups with your dentist to treat plaque and spot early signs of enamel damage. – Brush teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid…

Foods May Crack Your Teeth

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 22/12/2020

Biting down on hard foods can crack a tooth, particularly a tooth already weakened through tooth decay. Consult with your dentist if you think you have cracked a tooth. Which foods are riskiest? Key takeaways: –  Hard nuts like almonds should be eaten with care. –  You should never use your teeth to break open…

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We are situated to the West of Hove Museum (on the corner of New Church Road and Pembroke Gardens) TwentyOneDental, A Digitally Advanced Dental, Implant & Specialist Referral Centre, 21 New Church Road Brighton & Hove BN3 4AD.


01273 202 102





Opening Hours

8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
By appointment only
Please note: We are open to patients arriving from 8am but our telephone lines are not open until 8.15am