Inlays are restorations placed usually on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. An inlay fits within the confines of the teeth. An onlay covers the entire chewing surface of the tooth. These can be made of either plastic resin or porcelain.
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Dental Inlays
The Inlay procedure involves removing decayed tooth structure or old fillings, preparing the tooth cavity, taking an impression of the cavity to fabricate a custom-fit inlay or onlay.
Book your AppointmentAddress
We are situated to the West of Hove Museum (on the corner of New Church Road and Pembroke Gardens) TwentyOneDental, A Digitally Advanced Dental, Implant & Specialist Referral Centre, 21 New Church Road Brighton & Hove BN3 4AD.Phone
01273 202 102Opening Hours
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
By appointment only
Please note: We are open to patients arriving from 8am but our telephone lines are not open until 8.15am