Avoid These Dental Implant Complications
Peri-implantitis is a condition that involves inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding a dental implant. This complication can put your dental implant at risk, but can be avoided with good oral hygiene.
Key takeaways:
– Peri-implantitis is caused by bacteria nesting in the gums around the implants.
– Signs and symptoms of peri-implantitis include redness and tender gums, pain bleeding and pus.
– Risk factors include tobacco use, diabetes, periodontitis and poor oral hygiene.
Brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly and visit your dentist for exams and cleanings to keep gums and teeth healthy. Floss gently around your implants so you don’t damage the gum tissue.
Read more at https://yourdentalhealthresource.com/what-is-peri-implantitis/
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