Twenty One dental clinic dentist Brighton Hove

Need to Know: Dental Health Affects Your Heart Health

Need to Know: Dental Health Affects Your Heart Health

Posted by: Eamon Dehdashti Posted 25/09/2020

Dental health is connected to general health. Poor dental health and gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease due to bacteria that circulates in the bloodstream, causing inflammation. Key takeaways: – Gum disease can be prevented or reversed by good oral hygiene and regular examination by your dentist. – Smoking encourages bad bacteria…

The Magic of Digital Dentistry

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 17/09/2020

-Dr Panayiotis Karavellas New technologies have developed quickly over the past few decades and have transformed many aspects of our lives. These advances have also had an important effect in the healthcare sector, and dentistry is no exception. Thanks to the latest technological developments, diagnosing and treating many dental conditions is now easier and faster,…

Why Children Are at High Risk of Tooth Decay

Posted by: Eamon Dehdashti Posted 11/09/2020

Children are susceptible to tooth decay, and the risk increases as children become older and more independent. Between ages 6 to 11 it is estimated 1 in 4 children experience tooth decay. From age 12 to 19 this increases to 3 in 5 children. One of the main reasons for tooth decay is diet. Children…

We look forward to welcoming you into our friendly clinic
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We are situated to the West of Hove Museum (on the corner of New Church Road and Pembroke Gardens) TwentyOneDental, A Digitally Advanced Dental, Implant & Specialist Referral Centre, 21 New Church Road Brighton & Hove BN3 4AD.


01273 202 102





Opening Hours

8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
By appointment only
Please note: We are open to patients arriving from 8am but our telephone lines are not open until 8.15am