teeth Twenty one dental clinic dentist Brighton Hove

Foods May Crack Your Teeth

Foods May Crack Your Teeth

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 22/12/2020

Biting down on hard foods can crack a tooth, particularly a tooth already weakened through tooth decay. Consult with your dentist if you think you have cracked a tooth. Which foods are riskiest? Key takeaways: –  Hard nuts like almonds should be eaten with care. –  You should never use your teeth to break open…

What You Should Know about Fluoride

Posted by: Eamon Dehdashti Posted 16/12/2020

Fluoride is a natural mineral, often added to drinking water systems. It’s considered safe and can help strengthen tooth enamel, protecting teeth from decay. However, it’s possible for children to get too much fluoride. Key takeaways: – Fluoride toothpaste should not be swallowed; supervise young children while they learn to brush their teeth. – Mouthwashes…

The Surprising Dental Dangers of Acid Reflux Disease

Posted by: Dr Adyl Asani Posted 09/12/2020

Anyone with acid reflux disease needs to pay particular attention to their teeth and gums. This arises from the fact that the acid can cause damage and long-term issues over time. Why is it important to see your dentist on a regular basis? This acid can begin to erode the enamel of your teeth, increasing…

What to Know about Bottlemouth Syndrome

Posted by: Dr Panayiotis Karavellas Posted 03/12/2020

Prolonged exposure to acidic or sugary drinks puts children at risk of tooth decay. Usually affecting the front teeth, this ‘baby bottle tooth’ decay is known as bottlemouth syndrome. Top tips: – Teach your child to use a cup by their first birthday. – Avoid overuse of a bottle during the day. – Never let…

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We are situated to the West of Hove Museum (on the corner of New Church Road and Pembroke Gardens) TwentyOneDental, A Digitally Advanced Dental, Implant & Specialist Referral Centre, 21 New Church Road Brighton & Hove BN3 4AD.


01273 202 102





Opening Hours

8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
By appointment only
Please note: We are open to patients arriving from 8am but our telephone lines are not open until 8.15am