Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

True Cost of Missed Dental Check-ups
Posted by: Twentyonedental Admin Posted 27/11/2019Skipping a check-up at the dentist may seem trivial but it may end up costing more than just the cost of the missed appointment. Check-ups give the dentist an opportunity to thoroughly examine the condition of the teeth, gums and underlying bone for any imminent or potential problems. Leaving too long a gap between check-ups…

The Key Benefits Of Partial Dentures
Posted by: Twentyonedental Admin Posted 20/11/2019Although many people opt for dental implants when replacing missing teeth, partial dentures can be a solution that’s just as effective and comfortable. Here are some benefits you should know about: They’re a non-invasive dental treatment that doesn’t require surgery. Modern dentures look like natural teeth and are comfortable to wear. Partial dentures can also…

Is It Gum Or Tooth Sensitivity?
Posted by: Twentyonedental Admin Posted 15/11/2019Whether you have sensitive teeth or sensitive gums, there are minor differences you need to be aware of before seeking treatment. Key takeaway: Gum sensitivity is caused by gingivitis while tooth sensitivity can be caused by tooth fractures, cracks or cavities. Gum sensitivity causes the gums to be swollen and tender while tooth sensitivity causes…

Foods to Avoid To Protect Your Smile
Posted by: Twentyonedental Admin Posted 07/11/2019Certain food types can be harmful to your teeth and cause problems ranging from enamel erosion to decay. Here are the top three food types to avoid, or to eat in moderation: Key takeaways: Caramels and frozen foods, because they can damage fillings or other dental work and can get between the teeth, causing cavities….